Laughter is a super power

Catherine Wilks
2 min readDec 1, 2020


I was sent this on whats’app this week…

‘I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.’

Maya Angelou

‘This has never been truer than right now, in the middle of a pandemic, when people are sometimes struggling simply to get through the day… Here’s to anything we can do, however small, to bring joy and laughter into each other’s lives… The evolutionary objective of laughter was to form connections with others. We laugh more in groups… it’s a signal of safety and togetherness… laughter is a super power.’

Sally Bibb

It was just the most perfect thing to read first thing on this Monday morning, when it is the week the Connection Fest kicks off and I am preparing to be silly? funny? entertaining? all these things are questionable… but I am preparing to host a Bit of Company Lite on Friday night at 8pm.

Isn’t it odd that we are hosting an event to bring people together, but I won’t be able to see anyone there?! I will be performing to the screen (two other beautiful hosts) and my dining room- what a strange world?! At the beginning of the year when I started to venture into the world of ‘performance’ a little bit, dipping my toe in, I didn’t think that this is how I would be doing it.

I am hoping that we will get a sense of who is out there and that lots of people will engage in the chat- either on the Camerados facebook, twitter or youtube but equally I am just going to keep telling myself that for some people sitting and watching from the sofa, when life might be a bit crappy- a Bit of Company Lite might just bring that little bit of joy and laughter.



Catherine Wilks

Arts & Activism @ #BeMoreHuman It’s o.k to fail / Don’t fix / Mix with people / Have fun/ It’s o.k to say we disagree / Offer purpose